Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 24 years old and I have breast Cancer. I am the blessed daughter of our heavenly father. I am also blessed to now have my earthly father as my guardian angel watching over me. My Journey is just beginning towards fighting this disease. On Nov 5th I found a painful lump on my right side. Let me say this: the lump moved with my tissue and was painful which are two big signs that it's not cancer. However, not everything does not go according to the medical books and anything is possible. So the next day I made an appointment to see my primary care doctor. He felt the lump as well and was very quick to send me off to have a biopsy....Thank God for Dr. England. :) About a week and a half later I was given the news that has altered my life as I knew it: Invasive Malignant Carcinoma. Then about a week later a ultrasound was done on my chest and revealed that the cancer had also moved to my lymph nodes. WOW, 24 years old and I have cancer....its news that would shock anyone as it has me but when put to the test your alot stronger than you think. God is currently leading me down an unknown road which I am sure will have many struggles. But I know he leads us down roads that we may not understand but he does because he is the all knowing God who has plan for me and my life even in the midst of something that I may not understand. I truly hope that through my journey with this disease and I can help others and bring glory to the God who loves me though I continue to fail him daily. Feel free to email me at sarah.davis@lmunet.edu or comment on any of my posts... I love hearing what people think about my blog :)