Man Calling Into the Pharmacy
Me: Pharmacy??
Customer: Yes Can I talk to that girl that's got the cancer and wears the hat???
Me: The Girls that's go the cancer and wears the hat???....well that would be me
Customer: Well honey I couldn't remember you name to save my life....
Me: Well if you ask for the girl that's god the cancer and wears the hat you are going to get me every
Nurse Admistering My IV Before My Port Placement:
Me: "Sooo how's this whole you're not going to put me to sleep "all the way" thing gonna work when it comes to me not feeling anything cause I DEFINITELY DO NOT want to feel anything
Nurse: "Oh you be ok...we give you Michael Jackson drugs...except you wake up!"
That's exactly what I needed to hear before I went back into surgery. lol
Stalker At Work on My Break
So let's set up the scene: I'm reading a people magazine...on my break" w/one hand on my cheek..lost in the gossip
Stalker: Hey "Lil Mama"
Me: Hoping he's not talking to me
Staker: "Yo face hurtin"
Me: "no"
Stalker: "Oh I just saw you was holding it so I was just work here?"
Me: "Yea...over in pharmacy"
(its at this point I wanna smack myself...I mean did I just tell this guy WHERE in the store I worked.....GAH....What was I thinking!)
Stalker: "You show me how to use this machine"
Me: "The self check-out? push START.....then you scan the item"
Stalker: "Ooooo Ok I see"
Me: "Alright I gotta go" I take the longest way possible to avoid him and get back to the pharmacy ASAP
Man at the Cash Register At Work
Man: "Awww....Look at your Easter Bonnet"
Me: "Easter Bonnet???"
Man: "Well I don't mean Easter look beautiful"
Why you look so pretty if some man don't get you a valentine's Day card I"m gonna bring you one myself! lol
Old Man At Work
Man: "Oh darlin....I love your hat"
Me: "Thank you"
(its at this point I begin to explain to him why I have hat on)
Man: "I am so sorry to hear know Cancer has killed my ENTIRE wife's family"
Me: "Oh WOW...i'm so sorry to hear that.....but I've had surgery and I just gotta do chemo and radiation and I'll be good"
Man: "You know what really kills you.....THE CHEMO!"
(its at this point I decide its in my best interest to leave before he says something else...but as you will read he was on a role lol)
Me: "Well I gotta go...see you later"
Man: "I sure hope so!"
Seriously!......I couldn't make this up lol
Door Greeter at Work
Door Greeter: "Why ye got that cap on ye head?"
I take a second and contemp plate carefully what he just said and how should respond
Me: "I have cancer"
Door Greeter" "In ye head?"
Me: "No in my breast"
Door Greeter: "Oh"
That conversation ended pretty quickly ha say "breast" and it freaks em out every time lol
My Friend Amy
Amy: "Sooo my boob hurts"
Me: "Do you feel a knot"
Amy: "No"
Me: "Okay....hmmmmmm"
Amy: "Is breast cancer contagious"
ha ha ha.....if you can't laugh you'll never get through it ;)
Man at the Register
Man: "They let u wear yo dew rag in the pharmacy?"
Me: "Um...yea"....."Actually...I'm ungoing chemo so they don't really have a choice"
Man: "Oh .....yea....yea I figured that"
Lady at the Register
Lady: "Honey when you ever gonna stop wearing that hat on your head"
Me: "Well I guess when my hair comes back"
Lady: "Oh honey that happened to me one time I died my hair one color and then another and then it started comin out in my hands"
Me: Well mine was a little came out because of chemo"
Lady: "Come again?"
Me: "Chemotherapy"
Lady: "You Sick!"
Me: Yea sort of
Lady: "Awwww come here baby and let me give you a hug" lol
Man at the Cash Register
Man: So I've got this rash on my leg, what can I get for it?
Me: Well....have you been to the doctor
Man: Nah......he'll probably just tell me I have CANCER or something....
Me: Well you never know IT HAPPENS! lol